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Informasi Bisnis dan Umum

NPM : 20098100926



A. Background of the Study
English is an international language which people afford to master. English use as guidance for any instruction or any communication in the world involve relationship, business, networking etc. So most of people think that English become a main need language after their mother tongue because it has many advantages in many aspects.
The important of speaking skill for student is in order that they can speak it forthrightly and confidently with their classmates, and then, they get used in rehearsing English conversation so that they are at clumsy in practicing at gradually.
In this case, the teacher need to motivate student through new atmosphere that make the student more interested in improving their speaking ability and more enjoyable to practice their speaking with certain technique.
To help the teachers create the student more interesting and enjoyable in speaking the writer offer a teaching technique in speaking which may help the student to achieve their speaking skill better.
As a professional teachers in the language teaching, especially the teaching of English a foreign language, teachers mostly spend much of time on appropriate teaching methodologist for greater effectiveness in students acquisitions on English, designing and implementing materials, test, and practice Teacher are responsible to educate the students from little or no knowledge to sufficient English speaking environment.
Mostly of the teaching method before the past few decades, found the teacher tend to carry out the teaching process in the classroom by applying traditional and monolingual principle ways of teaching with unsatisfactory. This shows that teachers need enrichments with appropriate ways of teaching atmosphere, that why in teaching English as the second language by applying new and modified fashions in order that the result of the teaching learning process would contribute more input to reach satisfied learning outcome. Whole around the world recently, where the people encourage that English as their target or second language used based on whole interactions and communication holding the dominant role of very aspects of their life. English is most widely used in teaching learning process of broader Educational occasions either formal or informal environment.
It is reasonable that English is progemmed as the first foreign or second language in many countries on this earth, furthermore in present global era. That is why experts on language and language teaching range must invent today English teaching and learning environment.
According to the 2006 English Curriculum and its supplement, the emphasis of the curriculum is that the students are able to communicate in English by mastering the whole skills. However, it is not easy to master all the skills; there must be one important skill that covers the whole skills. Based on the statement above speaking is the most important skill that should be mastered by students in order to communicate in English fluently.
In this case, the students must study hard to master it and the teacher should create a good atmosphere in class. However, it is contrary to the real situation in class. Speaking activities do not work in class because many factors prevent students from speaking English with their friends. They are afraid of making mistakes, of being laughed at by his or her friends and of having lack of confidence in their ability.
Considering problem, relating to speaking activities in class and helping students to improve their speaking skill is part of the teacher’s job. He or she is expected to have right teaching techniques to provide students with appropriate teaching materials and to create a positive classroom environment. Therefore, the students will have opportunity to use English among themselves. The teaching – learning process should not only happen between teacher and students but also between students and students.
Speaking is an activity used by someone to communicate with other. It takes place very where and has become part of our daily activities. When someone speaks, he or she interacts and uses the language to express his or her ideas, feeling and thought. He or she also shares information to other trough communication.
Many learners are not able to speak English well because they seldom to practice it in their days caused of nervous. They feel afraid to make some errors in speaking English so, they decide to be quiet. They are afraid their friends will mock them whether they make errors in talking.
Using voice chat is very effective to improve the learners speaking skill. But this method makes students brave to speak. This method needs the speaker to be active because if the speakers are passive those activities cannot be entered.
Pronunciation and vocabulary is also the most problem for common English learners. Both must be mastered by learner in other that they can communicate. Without English vocabulary learners cannot communicate in English. And without pronunciation mastery the misunderstanding between learners can be occurred. So pronunciation is very important. Many learners have problem in vocabularies and pronunciations even many vocabularies they know but they still do not know how to say those words correctly. Indeed pronunciation has rules that can be learnt.
Besides that many learners who is not motivated to talk English. This problem can be solved by giving some effective methods to them by their teacher. Here English teacher is challenged to help students like that to give some effective methods to improve their speaking skill. Speaking is the most important skill in oral communication. And oral communication is the most often used to communicate by people. If someone cannot speak he cannot be communicate to another. But there are some ways to solve this problem.
B. Identificton of the Problem
Based on the background of the study mentioned above, the identification of the problem of the research are :
1. How far the effectiveness of speaking through Voice Chat Media?
2. How The English by Voice Chat Media more interested to teach speaking?
3. How the teachers more interested to teach speaking trough Voice Chat Media?
4. How to make students confident to talk in learning speaking?
5. How English using Voice Chat Media more interesting for student to learn English?
6. Why Voice Chat Media suitable to teach speaking at tenth grade?
C. The Limitatiton of the Problem
The researcher limits the discussing of the study about, “TEACHING SPEAKING SKILL IN THE CLASSROOM USING VOICE CHAT MEDIA AT TENTH GRADE OF MA ARRASYIDIYYAH KOJA JAKARTA”. Because the researcher find, the effective method to teach using voice chat media. Especially for senior students for tenth grade.
D. Formulation of the Problem
Based on limitation of problem mentioned above, the problem of the research can be formulated as follows; How to Teaching Speaking Skill in the Classroom Using Voice Chat Media at Tenth Grade of MA Arrasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta.
E. Benefit of the Problem
The researcher hopes that this thesis can develop education institution to perform a language laboratory, teacher to use the approach and method properly in teaching speaking to their students; it can be refer for English teacher in studying which pursuant and guide liner of the better ways to achieve the successful English Study.
The benefit of this research for high school, that the headmaster of the school knows actually teaching and teaching speaking are really acceded by the teacher. The students of course the headmaster tries provide the equipment of speaking so that, the students speaking can be improved by practicing actively.
By using voice chat media in teaching speaking skill to the tenth grade high school. It motivates and encourages students of fourth grade elementary school; it motivates and encourages students to practice speaking English. It makes them enjoy expressing their feeling, ideas, opinion and even in messages and suggestions. Since it is fun activity, it helps students to take port in practice.


A. Speaking
1. Definiton Of Speaking
Speaking is one of the skills that have to be mastered by students in learning English. It is important for students to known definition first. Many experts define speaking in different ways. Brown and Yule stated in their book. “Speaking is to express the needs–request, information, service, etc.” The speakers say words to the listener not only to express what in her mind but also to express what he needs whether information service. Most people might spend of their everyday life in communicating with other. Revell defines communication as follow: “Communication, of ideas, of opinions, of feeling.” Therefore, communication involves at least two people where both sender and receiver need to communicate to exchange information, ideas, opinions, views, or feelings.
Meanwhile, Jones stated, “Speaking is a form of communication.” We can say that the speaker must consider the person they are talking to as listeners. The activity that the person does primary based on particular goal. So, it is important that everything we wants to say is conveyed in an effective way, because speaking is not only producing sounds but also a process of achieving goals that involves transferring messages across. Jone said, “How you say something can be important as what you say in getting your meaning across.” Therefore, speaking process should pay attention to want and how to say as well as to whom appropriately.
In expression one’s need-request, information, service, we must consider some points about speaking. Jones stated, “Some point should be considered about speaking, they are clarity, variety, audience and tone.” Albert Valdman said, “The ability to speak a foreign language is without doubt the most highly prized language skills, and rightly. So, because he was can speak the language well can also understand it and can learn to read it with relative case an also the ability to speak a language will greatly expedite and facilitate learning to write it.” According to M. Solahudin in his book speaking is, “Kemampuan berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris dan pembicaraan kita dipahami oleh orang lain.” In order to express his or her needs, ideas, feeling and thought in real communication, one must be able to ask as well as answer questions.
Yusnaini Lubis says, “Question and answer, major elements in natural conversation sessions.” Beside on that statement we conclude that one of important aspects in speaking is there is a communication or interacting between the speaker and listener. So it will make the good attraction / understanding about the object of topic.
a. Clarity
It means that the words that the speakers use, must be clear, so that listeners can understand what the speaker says. Here, the speaker must consider speed and volume. The speed at which you speak is relevant her. If you speak quickly, listeners may have difficulty. The volume with which you speak can also have a bearing. Speak out and do not mumble. Your words have to be loud enough to reach all your listeners.
b. Variety
Here the speakers must try to vary way of speaking such as pitch (rise and fall of voice), emphasis, speed, variation, volume and pause. The speaker is expected to fine variation in saying words do not speak monotonously.
c. Audience and Tone
The way you speak and the tone you use will be affected by audience to whom you are speaking. If you are discussing something with your friends. You are likely to use informal conversational tone. If you are giving a talk to a group of thirty people. It likely that you would speak more formally and would raise the pitch and the volume of your voice in order to make sure that what you say reaches all of your listeners. If you were telling a comic story, you would speak differently from way you would if you were putting a point of view about which you felt strongly.
B. Voice Chat Media
1. Definition Voice Chat Media
2. The Basic of the Voice Chat
3. The Advantantage of the Voice Chat
4. Disadvantages of the Voice Chat
C. Teaching Speaking Skill by Using Voice Chat Media
Generally teaching is not only transferring knowledge or tough to the student, but it is guiding the students in order that they are able to be success. The process of teaching has three main components, the components are teacher who teacher, students who accept the knowledge and the last is material or knowledge it self which is taugh.
According to Tarigan in Lestari (2006:13), speaking is one of speech activity by using oral speech. Tarigan defined that’s speaking was a skill in conveying the message through oral speech. Meanwhile according to Kridalaksana in Lestari (2006:13) stated that speaking was an activity which produced language to communicate as a basic skill in speech.
Speaking is the difficult skill to develop among many students. It is most likely the most difficult activities among the four basic language skills. It needs basic knowledge which enables students to cover all necessary things to communicate with other people. In teaching how to improve speaking skill, there are many methods used in teaching learning process. It is base on the use of method is adjusted with the materials that will be taught. Every teacher should always prepare the suitable teaching method before presenting the materials in the class.
Speaking Skill can be explained as language abilities needed to interact in social situations. Language abilities include speaking with appropriate vocabulary, pronunciation, tone, intonation, rhythm, pauses, politeness and timing. To help students to be a better learner of English, there are ten “rules” for successful language learning that encourage them to follow. These rules suggest ways to help students become a successful learner, if they can follow this advice; they will learn English more successfully.
D. Chat in Language Teaching
Chat has enormous potential to link student around the world, in real time. It is a technology that many learners will often be familiar with and will use in their social lives, so it is worth exploiting in the class room where possible. Having said that, although types of cultural exchange describe above are hugely motivating to student, they will probably take place no more than a few times a term or semester.
In this chapter we look at the use of chat in the class room, where the teacher can link up classes and group in different locations, as part of collaborative project work or for one-off chat sessions such as those described above, we also look at the most likely application of chat, which is outside the class room, where learners in the same class chat together (or with the teacher) to improve their English as part of their homework or self-study activities.
One important issue to bear in mind is that using chat needs to have a clear purpose for learners. There is not much point taking a class of learners who regularly meet face-to-face to a computer room during class time simply to chat each other via computer when they can do so more effectively simply by turning to their partner! We will look at ways in which chat can be effectively integrated into teaching in the next sections.
E. Types of Voice Chat
Chat is a tool that allows for synchronous, i.e. real time, communication over the internet. When talking about chat, we need to distinguish between text and audio chat, and between public and private chat. all of which can take place one-to-one or between group or user. What makes chat essentially different from other forms of synchronous communication such as mobile phone texting, for example, is presence. Chat user are able to see the status / availability of other chat users, such as whether the user is online, away, busy, and so on.
There are several different types of educational chat that one can set up with learners. One way of classifying educational chats, suggested by practicing teacher Daphne Gonzalez is set out here :
• Free topic chat.
Here, there is no topic or agenda set for the chat, and no specific moderator role. An example of such a chat might be learners meeting in pairs or small groups via an instant messaging program to practice English together, for example at the weekend.
• Collaborative, task-oriented chat.
With this, learner meet via chat out of class to complete a real task, such as preparing a power point presentation or putting together the result of a survey which they will then present to peers in the classroom. Typically the learners are preparing some sort of ‘product‘ together as part of project work, and will probably have previously emailed a document or power point presentation to each other, which they can then refer to during the chat itself.
• Informative or academic chats
This kind of chat disseminates information. For example, a learner or teacher gives a presentation on a topic via chat. This is then followed by a question and answer stage. Another example is where a learner or the teacher bring specific question on the topic to be explored in the chat itself. This approach works well in the context of a blended learning solution, where learners meet some of the time online and some of the time face-to-face.
• Practice chats.
These chat will practice a specific function or form of language, or specific skill or strategy, and will probably take place out of class time. Examples are: a voice chat practicing communication strategies such as circumlocution to describe an object. Practicing specific language forms such as the past tense, or future tenses for predictions; and practicing pronunciation features via voice chat.
F. Ways in using Voice Chat
To start using chat in the class room, we would suggest a carefully stage approach, which will help get both learners and teachers familiar with the chat program, how it works and what it can be used for. We would suggest starting out with text chat. And then move on the voice chat once learners would include a ‘real’ use of chat. For example chatting to learners in a different country, or using chat outside of class time with learner from their own class. Initially it is good idea to use chat in class with your learners a couple of times, to help them become comfortable with it, so that they can then go on and use it outside class.
1. Step 1 – install and learn to use the software.
Download and install a popular instant messaging program which include both text and voice chat facilities (e.g. Yahoo! Messenger, MSN messenger, Google talk or Skype- this last is especially recommended) to your school computers. If you are not familiar with instant messaging yourself, get a colleague to practice using the program with you, and make sure you understand the basic of how to use the text and voice chat in your chosen program. Note that you will need a partner to do this.
2. Step 2- A practice chat class.
One you have established how much chat experience and expertise you already have in the class, run a practice’ chat session with your learners on the computer, preferably in pairs. With less experienced chat user paired with more experienced chat users. Explain the clearly that the aim of the practice class in simply to encourage them to chat to each others to become familiar with the software, even if the situation is somewhat unrealistic as learners will be sitting together in the same computer room! Make clear to learners that the goal of using chat will be for them to use chat to practice their English outside class. Remember that before learner can chat together they will need to have created a user name and password for the software, and to have invited each other to join their contact list.
3. Step 3- contact with another class.
The potential of chat for linking groups of learner, who are far apart, in real time, is vast. How can a teacher go about sitting up such a project? Through an internationals teacher’s network make contact with teacher who would like to link up their classes via chat, and together decide on a time to chat. it is well worth first getting the two classes to email each other a little before chatting online. To make the initial contact with a class in a different country less intimidate for your learners. You may first want to set up several encounter using text chat only.
G. Benefits of Using Voice Media in Teaching Speaking Skill in Classroom
Using voice chat in class room can be hugely motivating to learners. By using voice chat with learners, the teacher is bringing current technology into the language learning process, creating variety by using a “new” tool and also opening up the possibility of contacting and communicating with classes in other parts of the world. There are increasing numbers of teachers in all levels of education using chat to connect learners at a distance, from primary student to adults.
H. Advantages of Using Voice in Teaching Speaking Skill in Classroom
With increasingly easy access to voice chat, it is probably worth expressing your learner to a combination of both voice chat and text chat. If possible, as with any tool, there are a number of advantages such as :
1. Learner may already use voice chat at home.
2. Bring current technology into the class room.
3. Use of a new tool can be motivating for learners.
4. Enable learners to make contact with learners in other countries
5. ‘real’ oral practice of language
6. Voice chat software increasingly easy to download and use.
I. Technology Improves English Speaking Skills
Technology in language teaching is not new. Indeed, technology has been around in language teaching for decades. The use of technology in the class room is becoming increasingly important, and it will become a normal part of ELT (English Language Teaching) practice in the coming years and it will improves English speaking skill. There are many reasons for this :
• Internet access- either in private home, or at internet cafes-is becoming increasingly available to learners.
• Younger learners are growing up with technology, and it is natural and integrated part of their lives. For these learners the use of technology is away to bring the outside world into the class room. And some of these younger learners will in turn become teacher themselves.
• English, as an international language, is being used in technologically mediated context.
• Technology especially the internet presents us with new opportunities for authentic tasks and materials, as well as access to wealth of ready made ELT materials.
• The internet offer excellent opportunities for collaboration and communication between learners who are geographically dispersed.
• Technology is offered with published materials such as course books and resources books for teacher.
• Learners increasingly expect language school to integrate technology into teaching.
• Technology offers new ways for practicing language and assessing performance.
• Technology is becoming increasingly mobile. It can be used not only in the class room, lecture hall, computer room or self-access center; it can also be used at home, on the way to school and in internet cafés.
• Using a range of ICT (Information and communication Technology) tools can give learner exposure to and practice in all of the four main languages skill-speaking, listening, writing and reading.


A. Purpose of the Study
The purpose of research is to get the new theory, especially to know teaching speaking by using games effective at fourth grade of elementary school. Teacher hopes them to active in practicing English speaking in class. It is expected that the students can enjoy to expressing their ideas opinion and feeling and can match dialogue with situation and condition. Besides that, they can also get fun in learning English in school especially for learning English speaking.
B. Time And Place of the Research
The place to research teaching speaking using voice chat media for tenth grade students of high school. This research takes place during one semester about four months from ………. - …………… 2013.
C. Research Method
In this research, the researcher uses the qualitative research with classroom study. The qualitative method is the kinds of the data are the descriptive data. From getting the data, the research wants to describe and explain the problem that chosen in this researching. In the research, it does not used questioner but using the work sheet to evaluate the result and using topic of speaking as a material, because the research focused on classroom study.
Classroom action research method tends to rules of speaking or how to improve the speaking English trough games. It is true, that uses the three cycles, and every cycle consists of four steps. On the other hands, of course, it uses the collaboration method too, for example the role play and the answer question; the answer question method and guessing games; or collaboration of three methods.
D. Source of the Research
The subject of the research is the students from forth grade elementary school. There are 20 (twenty) students on the class. The researches use the method and the technique teaching speaking through guessing games.
E. Technique of Data Collecting
The collecting data that is the researcher get the data from the students especially for 10th grade of high school. The researcher attends to the data, which are the result of applying teaching speaking though voice chat media.
In the following section, the researcher explains about procedure of teaching, speaking using voice chat media. The procedure is dividing into some stages. They are socializing voice chat media, try to operate voice chat media, and asking Question and asking giving answer. The researcher gave speaking skill test before did the presentation of lessons material (pre-test). After giving the treatment, give the some test (post-test) then made calculation of result from both test.
1. Socializing Voice Chat Media
a. Teacher introduces voice chat media
b. Teacher states the aims of voice chat media
c. Teacher explains the concept of voice chat media
d. Teacher has the rules of voice chat media
e. Teacher checks students’ understanding
2. Try to Practice Voice Chat Media
a. Teacher give some topic as teaching material
b. Teacher explains the use voice chat media
c. Teacher explains step by step how to operate the software of voice chat media
d. Teacher ask to students for practice using voice chat media
3. Asking Questions and Giving Answer
a. Teacher asks to practice the speaking by asking question and giving answer to each group
b. Teacher asks each group to perform once.

F. Analysis of the Research
There, the analysis of the research uses the descriptive analysis. Based on this method there has some advantages and weaknesses.
Some of the advantages of using teaching speaking using voice chat media are as follows :
1. Using voice chat media make students more pleasure from regular activities in class. It creates a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom.
2. Using voice chat media can encourage the students to communicate in English because the games are combinations between language practice with fun and excitement.
3. Voice chat media can practice the students’ ability in forming many kind of dialogues.
4. Voice chat media will make students more
While the weaknesses are:
1. In applying voice chat media, the teacher needs the students who are skillful formulating question from dialogue.
2. In applying voice chat media, the teacher needs internet or software so make anytime.
3. In applying voice chat media, the students that never use internet will trouble etc.


A. Conclusion
In teaching how to improve speaking skill, there are many methods used in teaching learning process. It is base on the use of method is adjusted with the materials that will be taught. Every teacher should always prepare the suitable teaching method before presenting the materials in the class.
Many learners are not able to speak English well because they seldom to practice it in their days caused of nervous. They feel afraid to make some errors in speaking English so, they decide to be quiet. They are afraid their friends will mock them whether they make errors in talking.
Using voice chat is very effective to improve the learners speaking skill. But this method makes students brave to speak. This method needs the speaker to be active because if the speakers are passive those activities cannot be entered.
B. Suggestion
It is very suggested for English learners to use technologies in practicing speaking English. Speaking English must be practiced and habited. Using voice chat is also suggested for English teachers to be applied in their class if it is enable to do. This way will be very effective to improve students speaking skill. This way also will help learners to kill their nervous that has been most problem for common English learner in Indonesia.


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Thornburry, Scott.2005. How to Teach Speaking. Edinburgh Gate: Pearson Education Limited.
Hughes, Rebecca. 2002. Teaching and Researching Speaking. Edinburgh: Longman
Harmer, Jeremy. 2004. How to Teach English. Edinburgh Gate: Pearson Education Limited.
Brindley, Susan. (2003). Teaching English. London: Routledge


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