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Informasi Bisnis dan Umum

Written By : Zainuddin / 20098100926


A.    Background of the Study
As we realize that English is popular since it becomes of International Language. It is used by milions of people all over the world. Nowadays, English has become the language of commerce, technology, politics as well as education.
For Indonesia, English is a foreign language. Learnig a foreign language is an integrated process that the learner should study the four basic skill : listening, speaking, reading and writing. We use it to understand our world through listening and reading and to communicative our feeling need and desire through speaking and writing. By having more knowledge about language skill we have much better chance of undestanding and being understood and getting what we want and need from these around us.
Writing is one of four basic skills, it is very important in teaching and learning English. Writing involves some language component (spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation).
We all realize how important English for our children. The authority was obliged all of Educational official in all province in Indonesia should provide the lesson in each school. All Indonesia people agree with this curriculum that could be make their children know English from beginning. More better than before which they took in years ago. All of the component in this nation should support this policy by all their ability.
There are so many things that can get from English. Like a senoir high school students, they can proceed in their academic achievement with English. As well all know, most of the source books, whether it is social or natural science are written in English. In addition English is also important for next generation in order can compete to International completion and prepare our human resource in global completion.
To make students able to use English for communication, ones of the skills which has to be understood is writing. Because it is the basic language element learning writing is higly require sins. It is basic for mastering any language. From writing they can telling and explaining something in spite of only a simple statement. This skill must be trained to bring up capability in writing process to the writer as well.
In writing something we should have more knowledge. How could we produce information if we do not any information to give. Just like an empty kettle that will not give any water for any body. Through writing, we can transfer our ideas and information in the paper with the good sentences. We can express everything in our mind in to the form of writing. Teacher as manager in the class should be creative in transferring the knowledge students bored. Teacher should perform their job nicely by using teching aids. Media could also be instrument in teaching. We are focussing on Information technology media, such as Blogging.
In choosing the media you will find that the media itself has its own characteristic. So it has weakness and strength. Usually we used the conventional media such as cassette or vcd player but now we try to teach english by using internet media in the class. This media is more powerful than conventional media. Because students can visualy learn english by expressing their media in written and in the same time they can see the respon of their ideas form chat mate directly online.
The researcher has chosen a title about writing in teaching writing in high school, because there are some problem in MA Arrasyidiyyah that appear in teaching writing activity. As like the students of MA Arrasyidiyyah are still lack of practice, the lack of motivation from the teacher, no media to express the student’s writing, and also the weakness of the students to understand about topic sentences and lack of their vocabulary, never use the media studying in teaching writing, the teacher does not make innovation for the teaching etc. Beside that according some of the student english has symbols which difficult to understand by the students, so as the teacher must give a lot of task to practice the writing in the class.
Based on the problem above, so the writer has chosen Blogging to solve the writing process in the classroom. The student will more motivate to express their mind on the blogging because it is as like their personal diary. The student can express anywhere they want in classroom, their room or at the park.
There are many technique and method in teaching language, especially in teaching writing English. The new of all is Blogging. In here, the writer assumses this method is so fun and increase more motivate of the students.
B.     Identification of the Problem
Based on the background of the study mentioned above, the identification of the problem of the research are :
1.      How do the students learn writing, for the time in being class?
2.      Do the learning process improve the student’s ability?
3.      How great are the writing skills out come?
4.      How teaching writing through blogging more interesting for student?
5.      How the teachers more interested to teach writing trough blogging?
C.    The Limitation of the Problem
The researcher limits the discussing of the study about, “Teaching Writing Skill Through Blogging at Tenth Grade of MA Arrasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta”. Because the researcher find, the effective method to teach using blogging. Especially students for tenth grade.
D.    Formulation of The Problem
Based on limitation of problem mentioned above, the problem of the research can be formulated as follows; How to Teach Writing Skill Through Blogging at Tenth Grade of MA Arrasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta?

E.     Benefit of the Research
The researcher hopes that this thesis can develop education institution to perform a language laboratory, teacher to use the approach and method properly in teaching writing to their students; it can be refer for English teacher in studying which pursuant and guide linear of the better ways to achieve the successful English study.
The benefit of this research for high school, that the headmaster of the school knows actually teaching and teaching writing are really acceded by the teacher.The students of course the headmaster tries provide the equipment of writing so that, the students writing can be improved by practicing actively.
By using blogging in teaching writing skill to the tenth grade high school. It motivates and encourages students of tenth grade high school; it motivates and encourages students to practice writing English. It makes them enjoy expressing their feeling, ideas, opinion and even in messages and suggestions. Since it is fun activity, it helps students to take port in practice.
Hopefully, result of this research can be practiced by the people especially for all teachers. The benefits that can be taken from this research they are :
-          For the student : the writer hopes this technique gives motivation in writing especially writing through blogging.
-          For the teacher : the result for this research can give them an alternative method in teaching writing English.
-          For MA Arrasyidiyyah : the result of study is expected to gives some contributions to solve the problem faced by the student in English writing.
-          For the researcher : this technique can be supplies for the writer/researcher now and future to improve teaching writing through blogging.
-          For STKIP Kusuma Negara : this thesis will be document at the library and it is can be reference for another students.


A.    Definition of Teaching
Teaching is a process to give guidance the students to reach the goals. Teaching known as “Instruction” it means process that makes someone do learning. Teaching is a media for learning process includes behavior individual changes through pre- planned.
Teaching is an existing job. Today, many references help teachers to get some solutions of problems in teaching learning process. The teachers can use some references to find out some techniques of teaching in their classroom. On the other hand, teaching is not easy to do. The teacher should do much of his work before entering the classroom. According to Brown,
Teaching is a superior job, is the demanding job. Among the demanding tasks are modifying the approaches, Syllabus, technique, and exercises to adopt and maximize the learning of a class as well as of most of its individual members.[1]

It can be stated from the definition above that teaching is not just presenting information or knowledge to students, but it needs strategies and tactics. The teacher must decide what goals it would be best to teach and what strategies and tactics are best suited for teaching these goals.
According to Patricia, “It is important for teacher to include as many techniques as possible to enhance student learning”.[2] The knowledge gives the intelligence concerning to import, as a knowledge before unknown, or rules for practice to inculcate as true or important to exhibits impressively as, to teach arithmetic, dancing, music, or the like to teach morals.
The objective of language is to encourage effective communication in daily life, by practicing effective expression, increasing vocabulary, give sample opportunities that use language to describe, to compare and relate experiences, thoughts and felling, creating stories dramas, song, poems, etc. Language should be embedded throughout all activities.
Moreover, young learner can learn easily many languages. Young learner are equipped by language acquisition device, therefore, they will not have any difficulty to learn two or three different language at the same time.
B.     Writing
Writing is a method of representing language in visual or tactile form. Writing systems use sets of symbols to represent the sounds of speech, and may also have symbols for such things as punctuation and numerals.
1.      Definition of Writing
Writing is important part of language learning. There are many aspects point out that writing is an activity or occupation which is done by a person to express their ideas clearly in a written form to an intended audience. Writing is a mean to communicate, to convey message, ideas and printed word. And writing can also be read by anyone known as written language. "Learning to write in essence is a lesson about how to express one's ideas and feelings through the medium of writing"[3]. And another said “writing is expressing someone about their ideas, opinion, thinking, or feeling use language writing”[4]
The writing process that a person does, not only involve the ability to write correct and appropriate sentences, the ability to use spelling, punctuation, commas ect. But also the ability to think creatively excluding all information which is not necessary. It is generally a greed that learning to write well is a difficult and time consuming process. In order to write well an individual needs more than basic mechanical control, especially the non native students finishing a writing assignment or project even though she/he has sufficient mechanical ability in the foreign language. Therefore, writing process will be better if it involves the writers interest in writing.
Writing, as one of four skills taught in learning and teaching english is defined in many ways by many experts. Writing is making the ideas visible and available to readers whether on paper, computer screen or through some other medium; using the brain stroming notes, outlines or other results of planning activities to produce text. This complex activity involves everything from the physical act of shapes letters or making key strokes to the mental processes of choosing words, forming sentences, arranging paragraphs and structuring the organizations.
2.      Genre in English Writing
English writing have divided into some of parts, for example : descriptive text, procedure text, narrative text, recount text, and report text.
a)      Descriptive text is we write to discribe a particular person, place or thing.
b)      Procedure text is we write to discribe how something is accomplished through a sequence of action or steps.
c)      Narrative text is we write to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways.
d)     Recount text is we write to retell events for the purpose of imforming or intertaining.
e)      Report text is we write to discribe the ways things are with reference to a range of natural, man-made  and social phenomena in our environment
3.      The Nature of Writing
Learning writing means learn to organize the experience, information and ideas particularly different language pattern. To produce a good text of writing needs hard practice and process.
Writing is not only how to make sentences in paragraph, but also how to express the ideas in consecutive way through the appropriate graphic symbol and structure. David Nunas suggest; Writing is an extremely complex continue activity in which the writer required to demonstrate control of a number of variables simultaneously. To get fluent writing, the writer has to check some components such as word , grammar linking ideas and spelling before finishing the writing.
In order to make the activities of writing meaning full and understandable, the activities of writing must be communicative. The students should know exactly what they want to convey.
4.      The Writing Skill
Writing skills are essential for sharing information and documenting ideas. Building writing skills takes practice and hard work. Students must be taught the basics before they can be expected to produce quality writing. Once student master the basics, they will be ready to write both creatively and for a purpose.
Finch and Crunkilton said that “competence means the mastery of tasks, skills, behaviors, and rewards necessary for the success or an achievement”.[5] Padmadewi adds that competence is the ability in the subject and the lab to be possessed by the graduates; capabilities that should be done by the student. Basically, two opinions have the same idea about the notion that at its core competence refers to the ability of students to do something by a certain standard.
a)      Handwriting
Handwriting is the first in a series of skill that emergent writers develop. Though very basic, handwriting is important to academic success because handwriting forms a connection between the writer letter and the sound it represents. As students improve their hand writing skills, they become more confident in their writing ability. Student who struggle with handwriting are often frustrated with written expression and begin to dislike the writing process. Student can trace letter, “draw” letters in paint or shaving cream, use tweezers to move small objects and complete connect-the-dot pictures to build handwriting skills.
b)      Identification
Identifying aspects of the written word is an essential skill for emergent writers. When teaching writing at any level, identification strategies are used to improve writing. Beginning writers should be able to identify uppercase and lowercase letters and sounds associated with letters. As writing skills become more fluent, students should be taught to identify complete sentences, sentence fragments and run-ons. Students should also be able to identify topic sentences and supporting details. These identification strategies are skill that create strong writers. Help student master identification skills through use of graphic organizers, peer editing and exposure to good writing samples.
c)      Mechanics
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, or organization are important aspects of writing. Often, it is assumed that writers possess these basic skills, and therefore, both student and teachers are frustrated when they are not evident. Proper use of grammar and sentence structures makes student’s writing more effective. Spelling is equally as important because student may not use words they are not sure how to spell. Punctuating sentences give added meaning of writing, and organization of words and ideas is also impreative to getting a point across. Grammar and spelling can be taught through repetition and drill. Direct instruction in grammar is necessary for student to master this writing skill. Help student build confidence in their writing skills by helping them edit mechanical mistakes in their writing, or by allowing them to dictate ideas to you.
d)     Content
The most important aspect of writing, for many people is the content. Getting student to commnicate ideas is a skill that must be encouraged and cultivated. Sentence starters, journals and free-writers are good ways to build writing fluency and to encourage student to practice writing down thoughts. Continue building this skill by teaching student the value of drafts in writing. Prewritten,or brainstorm for ideas, the write a rough draft. Edit and revise a rough draft until you are pleased with the final product. The drafting process is a valueable skill for all writers and will give student a final product they can be proud of.
5.      The Writing Process : Strategies For Writing
a.      Self questioning - Asking themselves questions about their writing to establish audience and purpose in their own minds, for example:
         Why am I writing this text?
         Who am I writing for?
         What kind of language do I need to use?
         What do I need to tell them?
         How will I organize my work?
b.      Planning content - Thinking about plot, theme, information content, etc., to suit the task through:
·         brainstorming ideas, alone or with others
         researching the topic in books or on-screen, and making notes
         using other resources to stimulate and/or inform.
c.       Sounding out - Rehearsing what is to be written orally prior to writing in small groups or with talk partners and experimenting until it sounds right. ‘If they can’t think it, they can’t write it.’
d.      Writing first draft Getting something down on paper or on-screen. Focusing on the sequence of ideas/content. ‘Having a go’ at problematic spelling at this stage using spelling strategies specifically taught. This is especially important for under at training learners and dyslexics/learners with specific learning difficulties (SpLD) who should not be allowed to become demotivated by errors or poor handwriting.
e.       Revising the text - Reading what has been written aloud to a partner or to self. This highlights omissions, grammatical inconsistencies, etc., that might not be apparent if the work is read silently since the writer will often ‘read’ what should be there rather than what is actually on the page. Reviewing the text and identifying :
         whether or not the text makes sense
         whether or not it needs further detail to support the plot, add to description or provide missing information
         whether or not the tone is appropriate for the audience
         whether or not anything needs to be omitted because it is repetitive or irrelevant, etc.
and making revisions on paper or on-screen.
d.      Editing - Checking:
         organisation/sequencing of ideas/events/paragraphs to ensure writing is coherent
         spelling, punctuation and grammar.
e.       Preparing final copy - Producing a final copy suitable for ‘publication’, preferably for a real audience, paying attention to presentation either in legible handwriting or through using ICT

C.    Blogging
            1.      What's Blogging?
The blog is a personal diary, Your pulpit every day, Space for collaboration, Political arena of expressing ideas. News outlets. Link collection. Mind your own. Note to the world.[6] Your blog is whatever you want. There are millions of blogs, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules. Blog (bentuk sederhana dari weblog) adalah sebuah laman (situs) seseorang yang sering di update yang sering disebut dengan jurnal (diari) online[7].
In simple terms, a blog is a website where you can continue to write about things. It appeared at the latest so that new visitors can read. Then they comment on it or link to it or email you. Or not. Since Blogger was launched in 1999, blogs have reshaped the web, influencing politics, shaken up journalism, and enabled millions of people to have a voice and connect with others. And we firmly believe that the whole deal is just getting started.

            2.      Publicize Your Mind

Blogs allow you a voice on the web. Blog is a place to collect and share the things you find interesting - whether it's your political commentary, a personal diary, or links to websites you want to remember. Many people use a blog just to organize their thoughts, while others create a blog that makes a lot of influence with thousands of viewers around the world. And amateur journalists use blogs to publish breaking news, while personal journalists reveal their innermost thoughts.

             3.     How to Create Blogging

a.      Step 1 : Choose a free blogging software

Blogger :

Blogger equals easy. Many novice bloggers choose to start their first blogs with Blogger because it's free, very easy to use, and it allows ads to help monetize blogs. The downside of Blogger is it's prone to outages, so you may not always be able to access your blog when you want to.
b.      Step 2 : Register for an account and create your blog
Sign Up to Create a Blog at Blogger.com
Blogger.com Home Page
Visit the Blogger.com home page and select the "Create Your Blog Now" button to begin the process to start your new Blogger.com blog.
c.       Step 3 : Create a Google Account
Create Google Account
If you don't already have a Google account, you'll need to create one by completing the form on this page.
d.      Step 4 : Sign In with Your Google Account
Google Account Sign In
If you already have a Google account, you can bypass the "Create Google Account" step and simply sign in with your existing Google account username and password.
e.       Step 5 : Name Your New Blog
Name New Blogger.com Blog
Enter the blog name and corresponding domain name (to precede '.blogspot.com') in the spaces provided.
f.       Step 5: Choose a Template
Choose a Blogger.com Template
Select a standard template for your new blog.
g.      Step 6 : Congratulations - Your New Blog is Active!
Blogger.com Blog Created
Your blog is now live and ready for you to start writing content.
h.      Step 7: Write Your First Post
Write a Post in a Blogger.com Blog
That's all there is to it! You're now ready to write your first blog post in your new Blogger.com blog.
Now we can post everything that we want begin our activities, our feeling, our opinion, etc. With blogging we can modify the backround of page our writing, we can add some photos on the top, center, or beside the text that we write so we always happy and more motivate to write anything on blogging.
D.    Teaching Writing Skill by Using Blogging
Espicially in teaching writing, these is make a big succes in learning writing :
·      The learning and studying process.
Often happen, the learning and studying process writing skill in the classroom is still very simple. Teacher explain about the material, and then students is writing, then make evaluation by teacher and give some comments. Nothing process that able give understanding to improve the student’s writing.
·         Feedback.
Feedback is the most improtant in writing activity. However, often never give  feedback process variously between students and teacher. The teacher usually give more comments so just one purpose in teaching writing. The students do not know what happen for their writing because after they finish writing, they must collect to the teacher for correction.
·         Assessment standards.
Assessment standards used must be clear so as not to invite questions the validity of the values ​​obtained will be students.
·         Creativity and Innovation
These shades can also work very oentik in the process of learning to write. However, the lack of nuance in the creative and innovative learning in the classroom is often 'just happen where all the writing is done in class so that it looks monotonous, less' challenging' exploration of student knowledge.
·         Motivation.
Motivation is an internal factor that oenting to help someone obtain better results. Students who have low motivation in following the studying will certainly affect their success in learning to write so that in the end, the students are not able to produce a good writing and in accordance with the demands of the curriculum after completing the studying.
Blogging, similarly to online threaded discussion groups, is an easy way to engage in students’ writing to the classroom. It is an effective way to manage the lodgement, marking and return of student assessment with no fuss. Blogging with Google’s blogger.com, LiveJournal.com, and WordPress.com is free and easy to set up, manage, and update without additional support. As many students are active users of Facebook, Twitter, hi5, they become familiar with blogging. Jati said that :
“By utilizing free blogging services on the Internet, teachers are capable of creating and storing online supplemental materials for students, post class notes for student review, and give general feedback to the class as whole and individually. Additionally, students are able to submit assignments online.”[8]

The rationale behind blogging is that it is very convenient for users to check changes one has done to his/her blog. While with other tools, a user needs to “check in” occasionally to see if there is any new content posted, blogs make use of a “publish-subscribe” model, in which the subscribers receive notifies when new content has been posted. In the writing classroom; therefore, blogs are qualified as a pedagogical tool. They can replace the cycle of steps in developing essay: brainstorming, writing, submitting, receiving feedback, revising writing, and resubmitting. Blogs clearly benefit the writing classroom. Blogs enable the instructor and students communicate through and about writing. Both sides easily update an online writing.

E.     Advantages of Using Blogging in Teaching Writing Skill
With increasingly easy access to blogging, it is probably worth expressing your learner to a combination of both idea and blog. If possible, as with any tool, there are a number of advantages such as :
1.      Learner may already use blogging at home.
2.      Bring current technology into the class room.
3.      Use of a new tool can be motivating for learners.
4.      Enable learners to make contact with learners in other countries
F.     Technology Improves English Writing Skills
Technology in language teaching is not new. Indeed, technology has been around in language teaching for decades. The use of technology in the class room is becoming increasingly important, and it will become a normal part of ELT (English Language Teaching) practice in the coming years and it will improves English writing skill. There are many reasons for this :
·         Internet access- either in private home, or at internet cafes-is becoming increasingly available to learners.
·         Younger learners are growing up with technology, and it is natural and integrated part of their lives. For these learners the use of technology is away to bring the outside world into the class room. And some of these younger learners will in turn become teacher themselves.
·         English, as an international language, is being used in technologically mediated context.
·         Technology especially the internet presents us with new opportunities for authentic tasks and materials, as well as access to wealth of ready made ELT materials.
·         The internet offer excellent opportunities for collaboration and communication between learners who are geographically dispersed.
·         Technology is offered with published materials such as course books and resources books for teacher.
·         Learners increasingly expect language school to integrate technology into teaching.
·         Technology offers new ways for practicing language and assessing performance.
·         Technology is becoming increasingly mobile. It can be used not only in the class room, lecture hall, computer room or self-access center; it can also be used at home, on the way to school and in internet cafés.
·         Using a range of ICT (Information and communication Technology) tools can give learner exposure to and practice in all of the four main languages skill-speaking, listening, writing and reading.


A.    The Aim of the Research
The purpose or the aim of research is to describe, teaching writing by using blogging at tenth grade of high school. Teacher hopes them to active in practicing English writing in class or another place. It is expected that the students can enjoy to expressing their ideas opinion and feeling and can match writing with situation and condition. Besides that, they can also get fun in learning English in school especially for learning English writing.
B.     Time and Place of the Research
The place to research teaching writing using blogging for tenth grade students of high school at MA Arrasyidiyyah Koja Jakarta. This research takes place during one semester about four months from ……….  - …………… 2013.
C.    Method of the Research
The writer conducted the research through descriptive qualitative method, it is the method which emphasized on library research and field research. In using descriptive qualitative method, the essence is to describe the process and not prove this thesis. Thus, qualitative research no suggest hypothesis, emphasize to get original data natural condition. The methods for data collecting used in this study are observation, interview, document analysis and evaluation.

D.    Subject of the Research
The subject of the research is the students from tenth grade high school. There are 20 (twenty) students on the class. The researches use the method and the technique teaching writing through blogging.
E.     The Procedure of Research
Because the writer research is qualitative research, here are steps :
1.      The writer prepared the lesson plan, the material and test which the lesson plan by teacher.
2.      The writer consulted with the English teacher about the technique that is going to use in teaching, espicially in teaching writing skill through blogging.
3.      The writer consulted with the English teacher of MA Arrasyidiyyah together teach writing skill through blogging technique to improve the students comprehension.
4.      At the beginning the writer observed the classroom situation. How is the English teaching writing in learning process conducted in MA Arrasyidiyyah.
5.      The writer give interview sheets, and asks the students about the lesson.
F.     The Technique of Data Collecting
The writer has used this kind of technique in order to find the theory of writing, the strategise of writing, and the definition of blogging.
1.      Field Research
The writer has applied this technique to the tenth grade students at MA Arrasyidiyyah with the purpose to convine and verify that the teories of this technique with fact on the field are accurate and suitable.
2.      Observation Research
Observation is one of data collecting was used by the writer. The purpose is to know more about the location and the school and also to collect data about the processing of teaching writing and knowing the students mastery through blogging.
3.      Interview
An interview is given to the teacher and student to know the general condition of the students and to know the teaching writing using blogging at the class.
a.  Students
The research obtain an information that the blogging, used by the teacher, the student feel interest and enjoy to practice their writing through blogging the aim to improve their skill to written.
By using blogging, can the teacher improve the students skill in writing? Does the blogging that given by teacher can make the student listening and joyful on their writing.
b.      Teacher
Based on interview between the researcher and the teacher there are some information namely ; The teacher can give solution to improve student, learning result, espicially writing through blogging.
For the students, the teacher gives help and encourages them so write creatively and enjoyable.
c.       Headmaster 
Interview with the headmaster to collect data about the school’s opinion and attention to English lesson, the principal’s opinion about the teaching writing technique which has been done by the teacher and the students writing interest.
4.      Documentation
The other instruments in this research is documentation. By doing the documentation technique the research will obtain the data in the form of students achievement in writing test (students daily test), beside that he/she will took some pictures when the learning process happened. Here the writer wrote the process of teaching learning in documentation.
5.      Discussion
The writer discussed with English teacher about her teaching learning process when the teacher is teaching writing use blogging. And talk about what the result of using it for students.
6.      Library Study
The writer tried to support this thesis to be perfect by visiting library. In there, the writer gets many more information and knowledge to make her argues is strong. This research instrument is using library research by reading and collecting data, which has relevance with the research and data collecting taken from some book. She read and choose it as the data of her research. With expert’s argues, the writer believes that is true and can support this thesis. The writer visit library in her town and around colleges of Jakarta City.
G.    Data Analysis
Based on the research has done. The researcher can analyze the problems that have been happen during the research. The researcher has been analyzing in the collaboration. Here, the researcher tries to give solution for the students who have problems in studying English.
Next, the researcher tries to solve the problems. The researcher interview some students about english teacher about that problems. One of them like English lesson because they feel English is fun and easy but for the others English lesson espicially writing lesson is a difficult lesson and make them bored. For the case the researcher tries to find out solution with the English teacher and headmistress. But basically the researcher finds the problem that they dont like English because the students less motivation and the teacher does not using tehnique or method that suitable with the students condition. In here the teacher always using conventional technique but less practice especially in writing activities. Then the researcher give the solution, they have to give more motivation in the teaching learning and the teacher change the teaching tehnique with a technique or method that make them enjoy, fun and feel happy with English lesson. Finally, the researcher hope these solution can useful to solve the problems happened in her research.


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[1] James Dean Brown, The Elements of Language Curriculum: A Systematic Approach to Program Development, ( Boston : Heinle & Heinle Publisher, 1995 )
[2] Patricia J. Wentz, The Student Teaching Experience, ( T.tp.: Merrill Prentice Hall, t.t )
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